GPS Tracking Eases Budget Concerns

GPS Electronic Monitoring

GPS Tracking Eases Budget Concerns

Every single fiscal period seems to bring about new cuts and budgetary concerns. Many corrections and probation services are struggling to find the money they needed to stay operational and are unable to dedicate hardly any resources to tracking and monitoring. GPS tracking could be the solution your department’s budget is looking for.

GPS technology has made massive improvements over the past decade. Not only is the tracking more reliable than ever before, the monitoring devices are less obtrusive, which means they trigger fewer complaints from the individuals who require the monitoring.

We have been helping corrections and police departments just like yours for over 20 years. We continually tap into our well of knowledge and experience to improve our services. You’re encouraged to benefit from our experience for all of your pre and post-trial monitoring needs.

Our GPS monitoring and tracking service can be tweaked so that it provides you with all the data you require. Our system is useful for:

  • Curfew monitoring
  • Drug/alcohol testing
  • Location-based services
  • Self-reporting
  • Voice verification
  • Travel pass requests
  • Interactive facial verification
  • Case management
  • Notification requests
  • And more!


What this means for your department is that you can monitor even more cases with a smaller staff. Each person is better able to track and monitor a larger group of people, provided everyone is fitted with a GPS tracking unit.

Not only will you find that the GPS tracking service allows you to stay within your reduced budget, but it also decreases safety concerns. While the system may not eliminate the need for on-site visits, the number of on-sight visits required should be drastically reduced. More importantly, the data gathered by the tracking service gives the person handling the on-site visit a better idea of what they are about to encounter.

Our GPS tracking service works so well, many bail bond agencies have started using it because the system reduces the number of people they encounter who jump bail rather than reporting to the court on the appointed day. Even on the rare occasion when someone does fail to appear, the bail bonds agency can quickly pinpoint the individual’s exact location and apprehend them.

Contact us today at (833) 744-6471 to learn exactly how Signis GPS can reduce your budgetary concerns while also helping you protect your staff and your community.